November 10, 2010

~ This is the time in the semester when students (and sometimes staff!) begin to "check out" with school loads becoming heavier, the holidays upon us, etc. Please pray that we and our students would finish strong and not neglect our Bible studies, sharing our faith, and putting our all into our events and meetings.
~ We continually ask for your prayers as we trust God in our fundraising efforts. We are seeking to specifically add new monthly donors at the $50-$150 level as well as many one time year end gifts to come in to support our new role as the Campus Directors, as well as the changes we will see in our budget with starting a family!
~ For health and stamina for Leigh Ann as she carries our baby. Pray especially for the travel coming up over the holidays! Pray also for our little one's health and development - both physically and mentally. We pray everyday that this child will be one that knows, loves and serves our Great God!

~ Our student leaders have really stepped up this year! We have seen more and more of them enter into discipleship relationships with people in their Bible studies, have a heart for inviting friends to group events, and generally just taking ownership in the ministry in general!
~ God's grace has been so evident in our lives as we have taken over the role of Campus Directors here at UNM. We have made many mistakes along the way - but are enjoying the new role and responsibilities! We are especially grateful for our new EDGE Corps couple, Raybeau and Annie, who have worked so hard this fall and done a great job!
August 18, 2010

  ** For a great fall launch! There are many events these next two weeks to pray for including student spiritual interest surveys, student leadership launch retreat, our first Nav Night, an outreach cookout on the sports field in the dorms, and our first Friday Night Bites just to name a few!
  ** For the LORD’S provision in our fundraising efforts. As our role changes, so do our financial needs. We are currently seeking to specifically add new monthly donors at the $50-$150 level to our support team. We are also working on having funds available for our overall campus account, for things like outreach events, scholarships and Bible study materials.
  ** For us as we experience new roles and responsibilities, challenges and joys as the campus directors. We anticipate a high learning curve these next 3 weeks! J

  ** A wonderful summer at Snow Mountain Ranch, the Summer Training Program that we staffed again this year in Colorado. The five students that attended from UNM had a life changing experience and grew in the areas of discipleship, evangelism, personal tools to walk closely with God, and a having a missional focus on UNM’s campus! (check the photos page for recent pics of our summer!)
  ** We are able to stay in our wonderful home on Alamosa Road! We are excited to continue to build relationships with our neighbors and use this home to continually glorify the LORD!
March 26, 2010
*** To finish out the semester strong with our student leadership team, our discipleship relationships, our Bible studies, etc. We have 6 weeks to go until our "Last Blast" on May 7 - please pray we would be intentional with these students as they wrap up their semester and look ahead to their summer.
*** For our housing and fundraising as WE look ahead to next year. We are praying to be able to stay in our current home and that we will have new monthly partners join our support team. Please join us in asking God for this blessing and provision! We are trusting Him for big things - He is so faithful! 
*** Many of you prayed for two big trips this spring - The Laborer's Conference (student leaders) in February and our Spring Break Retreat in March. Both events were a huge success and a time for growth for both students and staff and a lot of fun too! You can read more about both events in our pictures page and our campus life page.
*** We have 5 STUDENTS joining us at Snow Mountain Ranch for The Navigators Summer Training Program this summer! We can't wait to spend 10 weeks in CO with Cameron, Matthew, Josh, Hannah and Addy!!!
DECEMBER 14, 2009
Quick prayer requests:
~ For our travel over the holidays!
~ For our fundraising as we trust God to provide the remainder of what we need to be on campus next semester!
~ For our marriage!
Quick praises to God:
~ For the blessing of this wonderful home!
~ For providing financially for us in 2009!
~ For being able to fly to SC and drive to CO over the holidays
~ For our 2 year anniversary in Oct. and a wonderful start to our 3rd year of marriage!
SEPTEMBER 15, 2009
*** For our men's and women's Bible studies. We will each be leading a group of about 6 students on Tuesday nights through an inductive study of the book of Mark. Pray the small groups bond well and really see their lives change by studying God's word. Pray also that Clint will be able to get an Investigative Study going on Thursday nights.
*** As we try to recruit more men. As usual, we have a much higher percentage of girls than guys involved in the ministry. Please pray that Clint and Phil will be able to make some good connections with a few more guys within the next week.
*** For balance in life and marriage and ministry as we schedule our days. Pray that we put eachother as a priority and that we will remember that a Christ-centered marriage what we long for and that it will be a great witness to those around us. Pray for strength as we have a very busy traveling schedule this fall in the midst of trying to be totally present on campus: regional meetings, 3 weddings, a speaking opportunity to represent the Navigators at a National YMCA conference, our regional fall student retreat and the National Collegiate Conference!!!
June 18, 2009
***  For Michelle, Kathy, Richie and Dan, the team leaders that Clint and I are discipling  and leading this summer, that the Lord will give us wisdom in how to lead them and love them well.  2 Chronicles 1:10 
***  For Lauren and Aaron, the two students attending the program from UNM, that the Lord will teach them so much about His love for them and how to depend on Him in the middle of an intense summer. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
***  For our marriage, that we will find good times together in the midst of busy schedules and that we will grow closer to the Lord and to each other as we learn from some wonderful older couples here.Romans 15:5-6
***  For our funding, that we will trust the Lord for BIG things as we are raising additional funds this summer for our next step on staff with The Navigators this coming year. Specifically we are trying to raise an additional $1500 a month for housing, insurance and ministry expenses. Philippians 4:19

March 9, 2009

Pray for our Spring Break trip to Glen Eyrie with 9 students form March 15-20. We hope each one in attendance will be refreshed and encouraged by the time. Pray for the students we meet one-to-one with each week: Raybeau, Chris, Aaron, Kevin, Andres and Jessy, Caitlin, XinXin, Monica. Pray for our upcoming fundraising needs as our budget increases with a new position on staff.

March 9, 2009

PRAISE GOD that the student leadership conference in CO was a challenging and fun time for staff and students. We are also so grateful for God's hand in our decision making process to stay here at UNM for Staff In Training. We also praise Him for the arrival of our niece, Ella Rae on February 12 and that she and Leslie and Kelly are doing so well!

January 30, 2009

Pray for our weekly large group meeting, Collide!, on Wednesdays at 8pm. Pray that young men and women will get plugged into small group Bible studies that will be looking at the book of James. Also pray for the staff as we attempt to get our schedules set for the semester, this is always a HUGE challenge! 

January 30,2209

We are SO GRATEFUL that we have a perfect place to live! We thank God for His amazing provision once again! We also praise God for the 30+ students who have been regularly attending events and Nav nights so far this semester, as well as our 5-7 new student leaders that will be going through training this Spring.

January 12, 2009

Please continue to pray for our housing situation. We are praying for a low to no cost living arrangement for the next 4 months. Also pray for our student leaders and staff as we gather together this week to spend time praying and planning for the semester.

November 20, 2008

Please pray for our housing situation! Also pray for upcoming travels over Christmas as we go to training in CO, to SC to see Leigh Ann's family and friends, and back to CO to see Clint's family and friends in Glenwood.

October 30, 2008

Please pray for our regional collegiate conference this weekend! Over 500 college students will be gathering in Estes Park, CO to dive into Mark 12:30. Pray also for Clint as he is the conference emcee and Leigh Ann as she is the snack coordinator and special guest coordinator!

AUGUST 20, 2008

Please pray that we would be at 75% of our funding to be allowed to minister on campus as students arrive this week!


Please pray as we begin our Bible studies this week that our leaders would be encouraged and that we would have a great turn out of students!

September 25, 2008

Please pray for our first dinner gathering at our house this Friday night! We will be doing "Friday Night Bites" every other week as a fellowship time for all the Bible studies and students involved to come together and have a free meal! This week we will also have an extended prayer night from 9pm-1am to lift our friends, our campus and our nation in prayer!


January 12, 2009

PRAISE GOD that we have recently reached 100% of our approved budget for this school year! We are so amazed at the way God provides. We thank those of you who have played such huge roles in us reaching this goal! Another huge praise is that we had safe and fun travels during the Christmas break!

November 11, 2008

Praise God for a wonderful fall conference! Many students were impacted during this weekend and we are so excited to see them grasping hold of the truth of how awesome it is to grow to love God more and more!

AUGUST 24, 2008

Just in the nick of time we received a call from the EDGE office saying a donor that we did not even know was giving us $1500 to help get us on campus! This pushed us up to 77% and we are allowed to be on the grounds of UNM tomorrow! Praise the Lord!

SEPTEMBER 15, 2008

After the first week of Bible studies we have over 45 students that have already attended a study and 30+ more that are interested!

SEPTEMBER 30, 2008

The first dinner was a big hit! We had over 30 students in our home - and about 15 of them stayed to pray late into the night!